Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Meaningful Songs, 2

Seems like ‘meaningful’ songs are on my mind. A few days ago, it was Peggy Lee’s version of, “Is That All There Is?” today it’s Alfie – “What’s it all about, Alfie?” These songs come bubbling up for me, not out of irony, but from a vague sense of dissatisfaction and frustration with what passes for life, purpose and intelligence in the so-called American,‘main stream.’ In fact things have come to such a pass for me, that I find myself agreeing with Sarah Palin, may the great main stream rest her soul, when she referred to it as ‘lame street.’

Nothing in particular triggered my vague sense of dissatisfaction and frustration, it’s become a more or less constant oppressive presence in my psyche, like the gray skies that hide the sun in northern winters. Yet, as I write this, a ray of sun-like optimism illuminates the gloom - the realization that this need not be; that really, the glass is half full, not half empty! And even more and brighter than that, the right answer might be that we have the wrong size glass!!
It’s not enough to be better and better at what already exists, at what we used to be good at. Now something else is required, some innovation, which our collective nostalgia, fear and clinging to past glories obscures. An innovation not just in technology, which we’re still quite good at but will be inadequate, but an innovation in the fundamental way we think and understand ourselves and the universe. We need the larger size glass that can come only from shifting our fundamental conceptual frameworks.

We need to shift from either/or thinking to both/and thinking; from: you’re either for me or against me, to: both you and me, we’re all in this together. Only that kind of thinking will get us where we need to go: to a world that works for everyone and everything. Only that kind of thinking will enable us to put down the half full/half empty glasses we’ve been using and find a right sized glass. Either/or thinking: either spirit or science, has brought us here, to the limits of our effectiveness and the revenge of the planet. Shifting to both/and thinking: both spirit and science may increase our effectiveness and sooth Gaia.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Meaningful Songs

Seems like ‘meaningful’ songs are on my mind. A few days ago, it was Peggy Lee’s version of, “Is That All There Is?” today it’s Alfie – “What’s it all about, Alfie?” These songs come bubbling up for me, not out of irony, but from a vague sense of dissatisfaction and frustration with what passes for life, purpose and intelligence in the so-called American,‘main stream.’ In fact things have come to such a pass for me, that I find myself agreeing with Sarah Palin, may the great main stream rest her soul, when she referred to it as ‘lame street.’

Nothing in particular triggered my vague sense of dissatisfaction and frustration, it’s become a more or less constant oppressive presence in my psyche, like the gray skies that hide the sun in northern winters. Yet, as I write this, a ray of sun-like optimism illuminates the gloom - the realization that this need not be; that really, the glass is half full, not half empty! And even more and brighter than that, the right answer might be that we have the wrong size glass!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Without Vision the People Will Perish, complete

“Where there is no vision, the people will perish,” Proverbs 29:18.

What did the writer mean by “vision,” and “people”? Did he mean ‘perfect’ ideal people, good and kind, without desires, needs and passions? People who don’t go to the bathroom or fuck? Or did he mean real, flesh and blood people who do go to the bathroom, eat, fuck and have lustful, lascivious thoughts? Did he mean some people, or all the people? Did he mean only people who agree with him, look like him, fuck, think, talk, vote and eat like him, and everyone not like him be damned, and good riddance?

No, I don’t think he meant that. I think the writer meant the statement to be inclusive of all people, like him and different from him. There are many Americans today who would disagree with me – who would say the writer meant people with different sexual preferences, skin color, family ‘values’, educational and income levels, are excluded from the vision and are meant to perish, because people like that are a threat to the ‘true’ vision.

Did the writer mean ‘vision’ as something positive or negative? What does vision mean now? I think, then and now, vision means something positive, something bigger and better than our everyday egocentric thinking, something meant to guide us past the ego and awaken us to our shared reality as spirit.

Vision itself, then, is something positive, but there are visions and visions. There are inclusive visions meant for all people, and exclusive visions meant for some of the people. There are visions of despair and closed-mindedness, or visions of openness and creativity. There are visions of preparing, allowing and encouraging each person to make a unique contribution to a world that works for everyone and everything. And there are visions of preventing, avoiding and suppressing contributions from people that are too unique and different; and the willingness to face the fact that the world will never work for everyone and everything, so why bother?

You and I have a choice about which vision we will choose. Which do you choose? Which have you been choosing? Which would you really like to choose? Which would melt your heart, make it sing and overflow with compassion, joy and innovation? Which would harden your heart, freezing it over with fear, guilt, shame, and blame?

And having chosen, then what? Vision alone is not enough, faith in the vision and deeds to realize the vision are necessary, otherwise the people will perish. Those with an inclusive, heart melting vision of a world that works for everyone and everything, are the ones responsible for implementing it. That’s why the vision was given them. But this doesn’t have to be difficult. Implementing an inclusive vision can range from just taking the next step, being kind, considerate and compassionate to yourself and others, forgiving yourself and others for being human, to going out and organizing a new political party.

Share your inclusive vision, have faith in your vision, act on your vision, if you don’t, the people will perish, even the ones who don’t share your vision.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Without Vision the People Will Perish

“Where there is no vision, the people will perish,” Proverbs 29:18.

What did the writer mean by “vision,” and “people”? Did he mean ‘perfect’ ideal people, good and kind, without desires, needs and passions? People who don’t go to the bathroom or fuck? Or did he mean real, flesh and blood people who do go to the bathroom, eat, fuck and have lustful, lascivious thoughts? Did he mean some people, or all the people? Did he mean only people who agree with him, look like him, fuck, think, talk, vote and eat like him, and everyone not like him be damned, and good riddance?

No, I don’t think he meant that. I think the writer meant the statement to be inclusive of all people, like him and different from him. There are many Americans today who would disagree with me – who would say the writer meant people with different sexual preferences, skin color, family ‘values’, educational and income levels, are excluded from the vision and are meant to perish, because people like that are a threat to the ‘true’ vision.

Did the writer mean ‘vision’ as something positive or negative? What does vision mean now? I think, then and now, vision means something positive, something bigger and better than our everyday egocentric thinking, something meant to guide us past the ego and awaken us to our shared reality as spirit.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


“Prayer is not an act of overcoming God’s reluctance, but [at its most effective is] an active acceptance of His highest willingness.” Science of Mind text.

“The point of power is in the present moment. We can make a shift anytime we choose.” Louise Hay.

“Our lack of faith can be a way of accepting the status quo, a failure to move beyond what is comfortable and familiar. We cling to what is, rather than seeing what could be. The spiritual path is a process with no final destination. It is one long opportunity to learn and grow. In difficult times… our faith (in the top two quotes) can transport us to new levels. We emerge on the other side of problems transformed and renewed.” Ron Fox.

“The essence of struggle is to become new, rather than simply becoming older.” Sister Joan Chittister.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Live as if Each Day Was Your Last

“When I was 17,” Steve Jobs said, “I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

Monday, January 23, 2012

Is That Al There Is?

Not only do I go outside first to fix what’s bothering me, instead of inside first - which is the same as ignoring the real, unseen powers of compassion, intuition and forgiveness within me - but, part and parcel with that, I often denigrate - poo poo those powers, forgetting they are what I really want, just because they are always there, ready and waiting, my birthright, and I need do nothing to ‘earn’ them, in fact can’t ‘earn’ them, but can only be aware of them and share them simply by being - being still and quiet and needing nothing. The busyness of the world - the ego nightmare, is designed to keep me unaware of my inner treasures, and focused outside me, on what doesn’t matter and doesn’t bring peace, joy and compassion.

The classic song, “Is that all there is?” (Peggy Lee’s version was popular 40 years ago) nicely captures how hollow life is when lived from the outside-in, instead of the inside-out. The song says we don’t need more thrills and stuff, we need more peace, love and attention, compassion, and encouragement, not from other people, events or situations, but from ourselves, from living inside-out; acknowledging our abundant inner resources, being grateful for them, using them and allowing others to do the same.

All the best things are free. Love is free. Wisdom is free. Joy is free. Peace is free. Everything of true value is given us as our birthright. They are the unseen powers, the gifts of spirit, freely given and available to everyone, even to those in deepest denial. Get off the merry-go-round of materialism, stop living from the outside-in, acknowledge, receive and use the love, joy, intuition and creativity already within you. It’s what the most successful among us do. In fact it’s what their success is all about.

In his commencement speech at Stanford in June 2005, Steve Jobs said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Horse Knows the Way

Going within first doesn’t guarantee the condition/situation outside will change. I will probably still have the back ache, the flat tire, the money problems or the cancer – perhaps all of these. What will change tho, is how I feel about the condition/situation, how I interpret it, what it means to me.

Looking with the ego, the condition/situation will probably feel like a punishment, a curse, a sign of worse yet to come. Looking with spirit and understanding that the condition/situation is of the ego’s making, gives me the opportunity to choose to see it differently with spirit, putting me in a neutral, non-judgmental place, not seeing the condition/situation as a punishment, but as an opportunity to learn the truth about myself as a spiritual being first, then ride the horse in the direction its going.

Rarely do any of us get exactly what we want when we want it. One of the many reasons for this is we’re not riding the horse in the direction its going. I often forget there even is a horse to ride and a direction to go in. This is where faith in the horse and its direction are vital.

I have to develop the discipline and persistence to get my bloated nothingness out of the way, knowing that if I am able to do that, the horse knows the way and will take me where I need to go - open me to spirit’s intuition, creativity, compassion and peace in ways I couldn’t dream of from the ego’s perspective and similarly unfolding my light and potential in ways I couldn’t even imagine when I’m with the ego.

Each time I’m dragged down, feeling punished and victimized, sad and painful, it is this I want to have faith in; to see the condition/situation as an opportunity to learn that this out-picturing of spirit’s unseen reality - compassion, intuition, health and well-being - is what I truly want, not a new car, 3D TV or new toy. This sense of connection, belonging and well being is the point of the faith, discipline and persistence, what I really want, and where the horse is taking me.

And I want to remember that this is not only true for me, but for everyone. Undoing the ego nightmare and experiencing the compassion, intuition, health and well-being that are our birthrights, is what we all want. And the horse knows the way. Let’s ride the horse in the direction its going.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ride the Horse in the Direction It's Going

‘Ride the horse in the direction its going,’ is an old saying that is another way of understanding both the Law I wrote about last time, and the idea of being a human being, not a human doing.

Why ride the horse in the direction its going? Because life is so much more worthwhile, meaningful and joyous when we do. So, what direction is the horse going, so we can ride it that way?

Or, which way is the Law tending? It’s neutral, but what is Its default? That is, if we ourselves could be neutral, what would the Law bring us? Would it bring compassion, peace and joy, awakening us to our spiritual reality or would it bring fear, hate and judgment, keeping us asleep in the ego’s nightmare?

The Law brings whatever we most fervently believe in, but what if we got our bloated nothingness out of the way and just let ourselves be, resting, needing and wanting nothing, what would the Law bring us then? What direction is the horse going, so we can ride it that way?

To me, and Emerson and most metaphysicians, the direction the horse is going is towards spirit, towards the still, small voice within, not the raucous shrieks of the ego, bringing compassion, peace and joy, and awakening us to our spiritual reality, not bringing fear, hate and judgment, keeping us asleep in the ego’s nightmare. If I’m experiencing fear, hate and judgment, not compassion, peace and joy, I’m riding the horse in the wrong direction.

Re-orienting myself to ride the horse in the direction it’s going is a one step at a time process. Each situation or decision is an opportunity to get my bloated nothingness out of the way, pause, be a human being, then sense the horse’s direction and adjust myself accordingly. Not adjust others first, nor fix the world, first. But go within, first, and connect with the compassion, peace and joy that’s always there – the direction the horse is going – then work in the world. It’s an ongoing process, but one gets better at it as time goes by.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Law of the Universe

We want to use our will power to choose to go from the inside-out, instead of the outside in, and similarly to know we are human beings, not human doings. We want to use our will power to manage our thoughts and feelings, instead of allowing them to manage us. We want to use our will power to assert that we can choose, consciously, and not just be on auto pilot, navigating by what is past and reacting to random thoughts and feelings. We choose our thoughts and feelings, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously. The more conscious we are, the more choice we have and the more we are able to choose our highest and best, instead of our lowest and most loathsome.

The creative power of the universe works through our thoughts and feelings, not in spite of them. What we dwell on, invest ourselves in, think about most, and feel strongest about, be it our highest and best, or our lowest and most loathsome, be it something we’re proud of or something we’re ashamed of, is what manifest in our lives. The creative power of the universe works constantly and never sleeps we are always using it knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously.

Why not use it knowingly and consciously, instead of unknowingly and unconsciously? Why have ‘accidents,’ pain, suffering and loss, when we can have ease, grace, joy and peace? The Law of the universe brings whatever we believe most fervently in. Only our beliefs set limits to what we allow the power to do for us. It’s inside-out first, then outside manifestation. We go as far as we believe we can. The possibilities are limitless and seem almost miraculous and divine, which is how they would seem from the ego perspective.

But the freedom and possibilities are neither miraculous nor divine, they’re just the way the Law works. If we learn to use this Law more knowingly and consciously instead of unknowingly and unconsciously we will have ‘better’ lives. It seems supernatural from the ego perspective, but it is only natural, with the most ‘successful’ among us knowing and using It consciously, mostly for their highest and best, and the rest of us swinging back and forth between our highest and best and our lowest and most loathsome.

This is the same Law Jesus and every great prophet from Moses to MLK used and tried to tell us about. Isn’t it time we took their advise?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Will Power

An understanding of will power fits here. Will power seems to work sometimes, but not others. When it works, we’re using will power as a precision tool, like a scalpel. When it doesn’t work, we’re using it like a bludgeon. Used properly, will power supports us as human beings, not human doings, and enables us to live from the inside-out, instead of the outside-in.

Will power is not about not eating the next potato chip or not smoking the next cigarette or not buying the latest new toy. Will power is inadequate when used to ‘not’ do things, especially habitual things we really want to do. Will power doesn’t work well as a ‘not’ tool. That’s because will power requires a great deal of energy and is simply not sustainable, especially in situations where you’re trying to resist something you strongly identify with, like a desire for chips and chocolate, or a new Iphone (because, after all, you’ve been working hard and you deserve a small reward like some chips or a piece of chocolate).

But, when used to support something you do identify with, decided to commit to and want to do, such as pausing in your daily busyness to connect with your inner power, hopes, dreams and aspirations, it can be very effective. Will power can be harnessed to an affirmative goal and desire, working like an alarm clock, to remind you about what’s really important and what’s not; to remind you to go within first, before rushing up to the screen, or to take a deep breath and pause when you’re frustrated, angry, disappointed or in pain.

Used this way, will power is a useful combination alarm and response mechanism. When triggered by thoughts, feelings and behaviors (our own and other people’s) will power literally says, “Whoa! Easy does it! Pause. Think. Reflect. Where’re you going is such a hurry? Is that what you really want to think, feel and do? Is that really going to be what’s best for you and all concerned?”

Will power can be like a trigger that starts the process of re-connecting with our highest and best, enabling us to make a contribution to a world that works, not only for ourselves, but for everyone and everything in it. Used this way, will power is a sharp scalpel that has a place and a purpose, not a blunt instrument to bludgeon ourselves into submission and not eat those chips or that piece of chocolate.

Will power is a process tool that reminds us who and what we really are - spiritual beings having an earthly experience, not as a results or product tool designed to keep us thin, on the straight and narrow and in compliance with the ego’s rules. Will power’s value increases exponentially the more we use it correctly, as a scalpel, just as its value decreases exponentially the more we use it incorrectly as a guilt inducing bludgeon. Try using it as a scalpel and see how well it cuts the BS, fear, anger and trauma from your life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Inside-Out, 2

Inside-out another useful and meaningful concept. What’s inside us, and unseen – beliefs, feelings, hopes, dreams and goals – is the source of all of what is seen – our actions, behaviors, deeds, failures and accomplishments. When things are not ‘right’ or we want them to be different or ‘better’ in the visible, outer world, we need to go to the unseen world inside and make changes there, first.

What we perceive outside us are reflections of our inner beliefs, feelings, hopes, dreams and goals. We give things all the meaning they have for us, we interpret events and decide what they mean – good, bad, or neutral; scary, fearful or pleasant and inspirational. When things are not ‘right’ or we want them to be different or ‘better’ in the visible, outer world, we need to go inside to the unseen world first and check our beliefs, feelings, hopes, dreams and goals.

Not going inside first, but instead working with only the outer world, brings changes but they won’t last, won’t be sustainable and will have many unanticipated consequences. We see this all the time – individual and social habits, addictions, BS, and mistakes persist even when we know better. For example, we know the ‘war’ on drugs isn’t working, yet we persist. We know military action alone is not enough to win wars, yet we persist. We know wars themselves are counter productive, yet we persist. We know the election system is broken, but we persist in doing nothing.

Starting from the inside and working out, being in touch with our most cherished beliefs, feelings, hopes, dreams and goals, first, can eliminate the negative individual and social habits, addictions, BS, and mistakes at the outset. The individual and social habits, addictions, BS, and mistakes only arise in the first place because we’ve started with them, made them real, labeled them as a ‘problem’ instead of the opportunity they are, instead of as a cue to go within first and work from there.

Working from the outside-in, is like going up to the screen in a movie theater to fix an out of focus picture. It won’t work. You have to go to or call the projection booth. Working only with our outer experience is like going up to the screen. Working from the inside out is like calling the projection booth. Isn’t it time you quit going up to the screen and started calling the projection booth?

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Human Being, Not A Human Doing

A phrase that has always held a lot of meaning for me on many levels is: ‘remember, you’re a human being, not a human doing.’ A being, not a doing. I can just be and it’s OK. I don’t have to struggle and strain. I can get my bloated nothingness out of the way of the divine circuits, be open and receptive to spirit, be clear, and receive guidance on what to do. Struggle, urgency and busyness do not work well and are not sustainable.

A human being, unlike a human doing, has nothing to prove. A human being allows the joy, wonder and grace that is always waiting within, to flow out and express itself. A human being, unlike a human doing, co-creates with spirit and allows all the attributes of spirit to shine through his/her life. Doing without being is soulless and barely human at all.

And though being a human being, not a human doing, is natural and what we were born to be, we have to learn how to be that way and undo the doing way. Being a human doing, literally a human machine, is perverse, destructive and unsustainable. It is the ego’s way of doing things, not spirit’s. One of the many ways of recapturing our soulful spiritual reality besides knowing you are a human being, not a human doing, is to pause and not be so busy; to take a minute to appreciate the miracle you truly are, to be still and know. A brief walk alone outside, looking up at the sky and clouds, feeling the air can help shift your consciousness, allow you to be still, and enable you to get your bloated nothingness out of the way, if only for a short time. All from just a pause and a walk. Why not try it? And the more you do it the greater the benefits.

Friday, January 6, 2012

One Thing We Can Do, 2

“The way to persuade leaders to (change their thinking and) act this way is for small groups (like Moveon) to first be the example to them.” Political systems and government must then change. It begins here, with me and you and Moveon.

Can we change our thinking? Dare we take a chance? Can we – not them, not the T Party Republicans, decide to move away from win/lose thinking to both/and thinking even though were afraid and can’t clearly see where it will take us and how it will work? After all, we only control ourselves and that just barely + it’s difficult to force some body else to change. So we have to change first.

And speaking of the T Party, consider the Occupy Movement, and look back on history and notice that small groups of committed individuals can shift the consciousness, not only of domestic politics, but of the planet. Evolve your consciousness. Think differently; shift from win/lose to win/win thinking, from the exclusionary either/or to the inclusionary both/and. Perceive that everything is one – that what we do to ourselves we do to another, and that what we do to another, we do to ourselves.

Dr. Laszlo says, and this resonates strongly with me and I hope with you as well, that there are two cardinal sins and one cardinal virtue. “The cardinal sins are convenient complacency and facile skepticism – the sins of the uninformed pessimist. But informed activism (what we’re trying to do here in Moveon) is the cardinal virtue of our day. The type of vision that could solve today’s problems (is) a new level of consciousness (remember, Einstein said you can’t solve the problem at the level of thinking that created it in the first place) a consciousness that inspires and motivates cooperation (not fear, attack and blame). Such a consciousness is a basic precondition of peace, sustainability and enduring prosperity.”

And we can adopt that consciousness right now, as individuals, and support one another through Moveon.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

One Thing We Can Do

The number one, single most important action you and I can take to save American Democracy, and make a contribution to a world that works for everyone and everything, is to change our own consciousness. So says Dr. Ervin Laszlo president of the Club of Budapest and the Worldshift Community - worldshiftnetwork.org. Taking responsibility for ourselves back from the media and other ‘outside’ influences and “changing our consciousness (from win/lose to win/win) is not an incitement to revolution [tho it is to some rulers of the status quo] but (to) evolution.”

The goal is to get past the horrible, competitive win/lose dynamic that currently dominates our political discourse, not just shifting to a live and let live dynamic – which would be a vast improvement, but to a “live and let us all live well,” dynamic. Political inclusion, not exclusion is the goal. “Unless everyone, wins, everyone will lose.” While not one of us alone can deal effectively and sustainably with the world as it is, all of us together, can. [Google the term ‘crowd sourcing’ for more on this.] Together, tapping into all the human/spiritual resources available, we can understand that “when we look out at a world of problems, we can recognize that we are (also) looking out on a world of solutions (and opportunities).”

Now, this time in American Democracy is such an opportunity, and adopting a new way of thinking can enable us to take advantage of that opportunity. A new way of thinking…not the competitive, winner-take-all, exclusionary way of thinking we’ve been using, but a cooperative, win/win way of thinking - “the knowing as well as the feeling of the vital interdependence and essential oneness of humankind (and the planet).”

It’s time for a dialogue, not a contest or an election, between different belief systems and worldviews in order to co-create and develop effective strategies for responsible, inclusive and sustainable action with both a global and American focus.

“The way to persuade leaders to (change their thinking and) act this way is for small groups (like Moveon) to first be the example to them.” Political systems and government must then change. It begins here, with me and you and Moveon.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Wizard - Transformational Coaching, 2

Transformational Coaching with the Wizard is a straight forward process. It begins by taking an inventory of your unseen, little used, powers – how love, compassion, gratitude, joy and intuition show up in you. Then, an inventory of your bloated nothingness - how the blocks that keep you from connecting with your unseen powers show up. Next, a plan for neutralizing your bloated nothingness and eliminating the blocks is developed, and implemented. And as your transformation unfolds, celebrations are held and rewards received.

The Wizard will celebrate with you, guide and support you every inch of the way with scheduled weekly calls, brief chats and email contact as needed. The Wizard, Dr. Steve Liebowitz, is able to work with men and woman, old and young, Hispanic, Black and White, lawyers, mechanics, computer geeks, health care aids, students and teachers. Because his training and expertise is the process of connecting with and utilizing the unseen powers, he need not be extremely knowledgeable about his clients’ specific professions and situations.

For example: What do you love, really love? What keeps that love from flowing? What’s one easy thing can you do remove one of the blocks to love’s flow? What support will you need from the Wizard, others and your environment to release that block and keep it released? How would you like to celebrate and reward your success? The Wizard will celebrate with you, guide and support you every inch of the way.

Love, nurture, take care of yourself and let your light shine! No more excuses, BS, or reasons about why you can’t be who you really are, or have what you really love.
Start Transformational Coaching with the Wizard, now, right now!

The first call is a free, no obligation, get acquainted chat to assess your readiness and see if Transformational Coaching with the Wizard is right for you. You need to be ready – readiness is vital!

And Transformational Coaching with the Wizard is guaranteed! If after the first three calls you’re not experiencing a sense of progress, your fee will gladly be refunded. Call: 305-484-0255, now and get started. For more info on coaching, visit, Dr. Steve at: WisdomAtWorkUSA.com.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Wizard - Transformational Coaching

The Wizard – Transformational Coaching

Connecting with the unseen powers of love, compassion, gratitude, joy and intuition, can bring changes and transformations that seem almost magical. The Wizard works with people, helping them connect with the unseen, little used powers already within them to change and transform their lives.

Transformational Coaching with the Wizard is inside-out work – the ‘unseen’ powers being unseen because they reside within us; and, like the wind, only their effects can be seen. The unseen inner powers are there in everyone, just waiting to be tapped. The Wizard helps people do the inside-out work of personal transformation. Working with the Wizard and connecting with the unseen inner powers is so potent that the changes that follow seem almost magical. But they’re not.

Everything you need to live the life of your hopes and dreams is already within you. Everything! It’s just a matter of learning to change, transform the way you think and feel. Everything that happens is an opportunity to grow and succeed once you learn to tap into your unseen, little used powers.

Everyone has heard the silly saying about using only 10% of our brains. There’s a grain of truth in that. And only using 10% is also true for our unseen powers. Imagine what you could achieve, feel, enjoy and accomplish if you were able to connect with just a little more of the unseen, little used powers within you. And they’re already there, you don’t have to add a thing! All the love, compassion, gratitude, joy and intuition you’ll ever need is already there, within your heart and mind. No ‘earning’, or proving or struggling required. All you have to do is, as Emerson said, get your bloated nothingness out of the way. And the Wizard, Dr. Steve Liebowitz, can help you do that.