Not all who wander are lost. Wandering is often a form of
exploring, of discovering, of lowering barriers and boundaries and releasing
limitations. From the linear, rational perspective of the ego, wandering and
daydreaming seem like a waste of time, even lazy or wrong. But most of us
realize that by relaxing the ego’s strict control, we can actually find a new
source of creativity, innovation, power and beauty in ourSelves.
Being considered a professional is important. But most of us are 'old' professionals, not old in age, but old in thinking style and approach to living. Old professionals separate science and spirit and think in terms of either/or - 'you're either for me, or against me.' New professionals connect science and spirit and think in both/and terms. Please read: The New Professionalism: Connecting Science and Spirit, available at
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Present
The past is gone; the future is not yet here; today is a
gift. That’s why they call it the present. How are you using your present? Are
you a human being or a human doing? Are you open to the wonder of what’s
happening inside and outside of you here and now? Or are you as I often am,
musing over what happened there and then; or what might happen in the times to
Even the happy memories we often cling to, set-up
expectations that make the present seem somehow wanting and less-than, and make
us seek to recreate what can not be recreated. Please, let these go! Become
aware and mindful of what you’re doing under your radar. Experience the wonder
of the moment! See life stretched before you in smiling repose, like a fully
laden buffet table, and take what will to make your heart sing.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Hafiz, the wonderful Sufi poet, said, “Ever since happiness
heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.”
And A. Lincoln: “Most folks are just about as happy as they make up their minds
to be.” Could this be true?
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
The Other Side of Specialness
Context gives meaning. In the context of contributing to a
world that works for everyone and everything, a world mirroring Spirit’s
wholeness, inclusion, love and compassion, each of us has a special function –
a special contribution to make that only we can make. In the context of the ego
world of self promotion, blame, fear and guilt, the purpose of specialness is
to separate, set us apart, exalt me at your expense. In Spirit’s context my
specialness takes nothing from your specialness because each of us has a unique
special contribution to make. In the ego’s context, my specialness comes at
your expense. For me to be special, you have to be plain, ordinary, and nothing
Specialness in this view is, as most things in life, is neutral,
with its meaning coming from who we’re identifying with and the purpose it
serves. Identifying with Spirit, our specialness contributes to a world that
works for everyone and everything. IDing with ego, our specialness contributes
to a world that works for some and not others a world of separation, inequality,
unfairness, injustice, fear, hate and blame. So specialness itself is neutral
and not a problem. The problem is the context, identity and purpose we chose –
either Spirit or ego. The goal is not to fix the ego’s nightmare world but to
express our god-given specialness.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Thank you
Thank you to all the folks that came to see Dr Steve and Devorah Saturday
at Temple Hatikvah
in Homestead &
an even bigger ty to those that bought books.
Friday, August 23, 2013
TOMMOROW Saturday, August 24
at 6 PM, Dr Steve and Devorah will be presenting at Temple
Hatikvah, Homestead Jewish Center’s, 183 NE 8th Street, Campbell Drive (312th
St) open house - free buffet
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Not So Special After All?
Our specialness is re-enforced by pop science, human hubris
and social conditioning. Conventional wisdom says human beings are special,
superior and the peak of evolution because we, of all the creatures on earth,
can think and use tools. What if other creatures can think and use tools, what
does that say about our specialness? Is it still so important? Do we need our
arrogant specialness to survive and prosper or does our so-called ‘specialness’
get in our way and keep us from making a contribution to a world that works for
everything and everyone in it?
The July 22 issue of The Christian Science Monitor Weekly
reported that ten untrained cockatoos were not only able to think and use
tools, but were also able to innovate and solve problems: “Ten untrained
cockatoos were presented with a complex device that, if a series of steps were
completed, would give a quarter of a cashew.
First, the birds had to remove a pin, then a screw, then a bolt; then
turn a wheel 90 degrees and then a latch sideways.
“It took one of the birds, Pipin, less than two hours to
finish the process unassisted in five different sessions. Other birds finished
the puzzle with some help or watching a bird partner do the task. Each task
required a different set of behaviors and an understanding of the necessity of
completing each task in sequence.”
And we talk about ‘bird brains’! This is only the most
recent ‘discovery’ of so-called special, human intelligence, outside humans.
What might be accomplished if we could let go of our arrogant specialness and
be compassionate, loving parts of the world, instead of above and beyond it?
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Save the Date
Dr Steve
and Devorah will be presenting this Saturday, 8/24, 6PM, Temple Hatikvah,
Homestead Jewish Center, 183 NE 8th Street, Campbell Drive (312th St)
open house - free buffet dinner.
Monday, August 19, 2013
An Island Entire To Itself
Specialness is the function you gave yourself. Never doubt
that it and the need you feel for it will disappear before your reality as
spirit. With spirit you need nothing but It, like the lilies of the field who
toil not. Specialness stands for you alone, as self-created, self-maintained,
in need of nothing beyond yourself and un-joined to anything beyond the body
and its needs. In specialness, you are a separate universe, an island entire
unto yourself, always attacked and always furious, with anger always fully
justified. Pursuing the purpose of specialness, you employ a vigilance and
ferocity you never thought to yield, and effort you never thought could cease.
But enough! Now you are merely asked to pursue another goal,
allow your specialness to serve a different purpose, with far less vigilance,
less effort and with the grace of God the wind beneath your wings. Yet you find
this difficult, a burden wearisome and tedious, too heavy to be borne. Never
mind why this is so; it is so. But it need not be so. The choice is yours.
Choose again. The test of everything on earth is: ‘What is it for?’ The answer
makes it what it is for you. It has no meaning of itself, you give reality to
it, according to the purpose that you choose.
hqpubs.comFriday, August 16, 2013
A Different Purpose for Specialness
“Rejoice!” Devorah proclaimed. “There are only two emotions:
love and fear. All else are shades of these two and love replaces all fear when
we pause in our mad quest for specialness. Have you not felt that happen? In
the midst of a traffic jam, money woes, personal disappointment, haven’t you
suddenly, spontaneously felt how good and right and perfect life is? In those
holy instants your bloated nothingness fell away and the perfect lack of
specialness that is your truth manifested itself. Rejoice that you need not be
content with specialness, that shabby substitute for love. Rejoice!
“Yet are those spontaneous holy instants few and far
between.” Devorah shook her head sadly. “Still, you can allow your specialness
to serve a different purpose. By being aware and mindful of it, not attacking
it nor feeling guilt because of it you can allow the still small voice to use
your specialness, guide you and lead you to manifesting the love that is your
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Enough. Please!
Devorah shook her head sadly. “Please. Enough! What you have
given to specialness has left you bankrupt and your treasure house barren and
empty, with an open door inviting everything that would disturb your peace to
enter and destroy. Please. Enough! Choose again!” She looked out over the
gathering, eyes pleading. “How hard can it be to feel the calm, peace,
compassion and grace of your reality and oneness with Spirit?” She paused,
hands on hips, “As hard as you make it!”
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
“Comparison must be an ego device for love makes none,”
Devorah said, smiling out over the multitude. “Specialness always makes
comparisons. Pursuit of specialness is always at the cost of peace and love.
Who can diminish and cut down another who is really a part of himSelf, use her
as a gauge of littleness and be released from limits? Specialness is the idea
of sin made flesh. Its purpose is to deny us ourSelves and bind us to the
littleness of the ego.
“What could you see instead? Without specialness, without
elevating ourselves and our illusory needs at the expense of everyone and
everything else, you would see the shining radiance of all that is. And all the
world you made, and all your specialness, and all the sins you held in its
defense against yourSelf will vanish, and your mind will accept the truth about
“Beloveds, you have come far along the way of truth; too far
to falter now. Just one more step and every vestige of the fear of God will
melt away in love. Accept Its plan for salvation instead of yours. The ego’s
death is not your death. Release specialness, comparisons, judgment, fear, hate
and blame. Release the illusion of who and what you are and accept yourSelf as
God created you.”
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Save the Date
Dr. Steve
and Devorah will speak at the free barbecue/open house Temple Hatikvah/Homestead
Jewish Center 183
NE 8th Street , Campbell
Drive, SW 312th St at 6PM, Saturday, August
24th. All are welcome!
Monday, August 12, 2013
We worship the God we believe in, rather than the God who is. The God who is, is already within us and will respond at the level of our deepest belief and feelings.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Do you experience a strange uneasiness, like a low, almost
inaudible hum, in the background of your life; a sense of being disconnected;
not quite being yourself, a fear of being in the wrong place at the wrong time;
a haunting fear of lack of meaning; as if you wandered in without a plan only
to wander off again?
That’s because 99.9% of the time you are not yourSelf. Self
awareness, vision and truth are not part of our experience of the world with
the ego. We experience these only in the instants we get our bloated
nothingness out of the way of the divine circuits - the holy instants is which
we realize that the something else we thought we were was an illusion.
Our meaning, reality and oneness are available now. God has
no secrets. It does not lead you through a world of misery, waiting to tell you
at journey’s end why It did this to you. What kind of “God” would do that?
Monday, August 5, 2013
The Main Character
If we are indeed writing our own life stories, why seek to change the minor, secondary characters? Why not just change ourselves?
Friday, August 2, 2013
The Self-fulfilling Prophecy
The self fulfilling prophecy: if you believe your life is not working the
way it should, that belief in and of itself and the resultant search for
perfection, can cause your suffering.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
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