Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Devorah (and Harmony-Quest Publications) are seeking a part time Marketing Director/Consultant.

The position includes your photo on the Staff page of the HQPubs.com website. Pay negotiable at an hourly rate. Ten hours a week minimum. Will need to read the book and have some marketing experience, be open-minded and creative. Apply here with preferred hourly rate and phone number.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Seek Not to Change the World, But to Change You Mind About the World, Four of Four

“This is going to be a radical one today,” Devorah said. “But Love is not silent and unheard. Be quiet and still but for an instant and you will hear it and you will know the truth. Not one note of Heaven’s song has been missed. Believe this, not the ego. Choose truth, not illusion and you will experience truth, not illusion. Know that each moment and hour and day can be an opportunity to hear God’s song and know the truth of who you (and everyone and everything else) is by bringing the illusion to the truth. Do not seek to change the world, but to change your mind about the world.”


Friday, March 21, 2014

Seek Not to Change the World, But to Change Your Mind About the World, Three of Four

Seek Not to Change the World, But to Change You Mind About the World, Three of Four

“This is going to be a radical one today,” Devorah said. “Were you quiet and still but for an instant, you would hear the soundless melody that pours from God to you eternally in loving praise of what you are. But you are not quiet nor still. You listen to the raucous shrieks of the ego.  How can the power we call ‘God’ reach you when it is your ego’s specialness to which you listen, and which asks and answers, drowning out the vast song of honor and love for what you are and making it seem silent and unheard?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Seek Not to Change the World, But to Change You Mind About the World, Two of Four

“This is going to be a radical one today,” Devorah said. “The self you made and take to be real is not the child of the power we call ‘God’. Therefore, this self does not exist. And anything it seems to do and think means nothing. It is neither bad nor good. It is unreal, and nothing more than that. It does not battle with you, cannot hurt you, cannot turn eternal sinlessness into sin, nor love to hate. What power can the self you made have when it would seek to contradict the power we call ‘God’? 


Monday, March 17, 2014

Don't Change the World, Change Your Mind About the World, One of Four

“This is going to be a radical one today,” Devorah said. “Not about changing the world, for the world is an illusion, but about changing our minds about the world; not about praying to the power we call ‘God’ to make things better here, but praying to know the world is an illusion and bring that illusion to the truth.” Devorah sighed. “Simply listen and consider what I say. In quiet receive the word of God today. Don’t try to figure it out for what we figure with is part of the illusion.


Friday, March 14, 2014

Is God Inclusive or Exclusive? Part Two of Two

“The power we call ‘God’ is always and only benign, inclusive, compassionate, joyous, peaceful and loving,” Devorah said. “Our experiences to the contrary arise from a mistaken identification with the ego, the idea that we are solitary individuals, separated from God. We fear losing our individuality so we cling to our specialness and grievances. But what if when we have faith in this benign power, get our bloated nothingness out of Its way, let go and let God, we don’t disappear into God to be lost, but to be found…?”



Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Is God Inclusive or Exclusive? Part One of Two

“The power we call God is always and only benign, inclusive, compassionate, joyous, peaceful and loving,” Devorah said. “It is who we are. It is us, and we are It. No one and no thing is excluded from Its blessings – neither Christian nor Jew, Republican nor Democrat, gay nor straight. All are equal in Its eyes. No one and no thing is better or more special.



Monday, March 10, 2014

ALL things

“‘Wanting’,” Devorah said, “is a judgment about your life that says something is lacking and you’re dissatisfied. Thinking like that is back asswards. To have a life of joy, health and abundance, feel joy, health and abundance, not lack, want and limitation. Cultivating feelings of gratitude, shifts your energy to acceptance and appreciation. ALL of life is a gift, whether it appears to be or not. ALL things contribute to our well being and growth whether they appear to or not. Therefore, include ALL things in your gratitude.”



Friday, March 7, 2014

Mindfulness: Part Three of Three

“Self awareness and mindfulness allow Self awareness. Realizing that you are not alone and the victim of forces beyond your control, but rather part of something much greater – an evolutionary progression of both integrative and disintegrative process, frees you from your story and its seemingly automatic, programmed conditioned responses. You are the thinker, not the thought. You are spirit, and spirit is free, un-programmed and unconditioned. You can re-write your story. Be mindful of who and what you are. Stop settling for crumbs when you can have your cake and eat it, too!”


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mindfulness: Part Two of Three

“We seem to have an instantaneous reaction to an event, but perhaps you’ve noticed that there’s actually a brief window of time between the event and the emotion, during which we assign meaning and create an explanation. Being aware of this window allows us to choose. Will we react as we always have or will we pause then consciously choose what we want to feel? Will you re-enact your story, or will you choose to modify it? Do you want to assign meaning with yourself or yourSelf?”


Monday, March 3, 2014

Mindfulness: Part One of Three

Devorah smiled. “Our emotions are not generated by what we experience, but rather by the meaning we assign to what we experience. Even so-called evil negative things like cancer or war can be perceived as opportunities for growth. Experience itself is neutral. What we tell ourselves about it, is not. Our story determines the meaning. Change your story, change the meaning and the experience changes.