I heard a report yesterday on the Ed Schultz show that only 22% of Republicans believe the President of the United States is an American citizen. I am amazed and scared! Talk about Humpty Dumpty having a great fall! Wow, what happened to our social contract? I guess for the other 78% it’s OK to snipe and criticize and demonize the President, to work against him and hope he fails. To be fair, it isn’t only Republicans that believe the President isn’t a citizen, but it is only they and their fellow travellers who are trying to profit from the craziness.
Now think about that, to snipe and criticize and demonize the President of the United States, to work against him and hope he fails, as if the President can be made to fail and the country will be fine. And who else besides 78% of the Republicans and their leaders in Congress are actively working against the President of the United States, sniping, criticizing, demonizing, and hoping he fails? Al Queda, perhaps? Narco-terrorists? Terrorists of all sorts. Criminals, gangs and gangsters? Aren’t these the people who want the President of the United States to fail and the nation along with him? Do the 78% of Republicans and their leaders in Congress count themselves among these? Perhaps not, but their beliefs and actions give aid and comfort to these enemies of our nation.
Somehow, we’ve got to stop the horrible, destructive rhetoric, demonization and obstructionism in Congress. Humpty is totterring, our social consensus, the understanding that we may disagree, but we’re all Americans first, that we do not deliberately distort the truth or ignore facts, that we do not trade off future generations and civility in the name of short term political gain, must be restored.
And to those who want to knock Humpty from his wall, who would destroy our social contract and political consensus to win an election by appealing to hate and fear, consider this – how will you govern when the very thing that allows government and cooperation – the social contract and political consensus – is gone? How will you govern when Humpty has his great fall? With marshall law, in a police state? Will it be America then? Will all the king’s horses and all the king’s men be able to put Humpty together again?
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