Lately, I notice a feeling of regret and guilt when I blame, criticize or judge another person, or even myself. The feeling of regret doesn’t always come immediately after I do the deed, tho it does more and more, but usually a little later when I’ve had a chance to reflect and be centered. My thoughts go something like: There I go again! Or, what did that accomplish? Or, feel better now? Or, gee, I could have had a V8 (juice) – made things better, instead of worse. The more I’m able to catch myself doing what I don’t want to do, being with the ego instead of spirit, the more I’m able to be with spirit instead of the ego.
The decision for the right-minded teacher, spirit, is the choice for vision over judgment. It is the moment to moment release of the ego’s nightmare that is held in place by my belief that my judgments of myself and others are justified and deserved. As soon as I become aware of thinking that my judgments of myself and others are justified and deserved, it’s time to pause and say: There I go again! Or, what did that accomplish? Or, feel better now? Or, gee, I could have had a V8.
Judgment, a form of attack, is impossible when I appreciate that everyone: Democrats and Republicans, terrorists and victims, male and female, are all wrestling with the same basic problem/opportunity – release of the ego nightmare and awakening to spirit – and therefore we are all the same.
Attack and judgment are merely mental/emotional tricks, defenses set up by the ego, to keep us busy here in the world, instead of being with spirit. In truth, we are alike in sharing the shared interest in awakening from this hellish dream of separation and death. And a simple thing like being aware I’m judging and blaming then pausing to say: There I go again! Or, what did that accomplish? Or, feel better now? Or, gee, I could have had a V8, can move us towards awakening.
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