Thursday, July 19, 2012

How Different Would Our Politics Be?

Beneath the layers of fear, anger, ignorance, attack and blame is our spiritual essence—compassion, joy, creativity, inclusion and forgiveness, the core reality of our being. This spiritual essence is not something we have to imagine or create, it is already there, within you and your enemies, the truth of who we really are. But it is beneath the layers of fear, anger, ignorance, attack and blame; beneath the layers of our ego’s bloated nothingness.  That means to reach our core reality and tap into our spiritual essence, we have to go through the layers of fear, anger, ignorance, attack and blame and not mistake them for who we are, our core reality.

The layers of fear, anger, ignorance, attack and blame are like clouds, hiding the sun. Once the clouds are gone, the sun is shining.  The cloud-like layers of fear, anger, ignorance, attack and blame that obscure the sun of our spiritual essence and core reality are no more substantial than the clouds that obscure the sun.  The layers of fear, anger, ignorance, attack and blame seem to substantial and have massive power, but in truth they are flimsy constructs of water vapor. Of course clouds do bring storms, rain, thunder and lightning, but even these are only temporary conditions, never obscuring the sun for long.

When we live on the surface of our reality, instead of the inner depths, we are victims of the storms arising from the layers of fear, anger, ignorance, attack and blame. We see with the eyes of habit, fear, anger and sometimes hope, but we do not actually see. We see, hear, and touch without truly connecting, so we are left feeling empty and unfulfilled.

But, when we live in the depths of our core spiritual reality, we no longer fear and feel the need to clamp down on our thoughts and feelings. We can allow life to happen, allowing each moment to be just as it is.  In this fluid, unobstructed way of being, everything becomes more vividly itself.  Instead of becoming unfeeling zombies, as we realize our spiritual nature we become more deeply receptive and more responsive to life, able to move through the most intense storms, guided by the sun and not be overwhelmed.

How would our politics be different, and what great things could we accomplish for America and the world if we realized who we really are, cut through the ego BS and let go of the layers of fear, anger, ignorance, attack and blame on the surface and shifted to our inner spiritual core? It wouldn’t have to happen all at once, it could be done like a process, one step, one challenge at a time.

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