This is the next in a series of posts on how to make our
democracy work better based on an article in The Intelligent Optimist magazine
(formerly Ode) by Tom Atlee.
“Most significant for our purposes here, Athens innovated a form of randomly selected
mini-public responsible for recommending public policy. Their boule contained 400-500 members chosen
by lot from the whole body of citizens over 30.
These members served one-year terms [like a grand jury]. Among other important duties—including qualifying
and reviewing officeholders—they reviewed and prepared measures for the vote of
the citizenry in the assembly.
“In the past 40 years, people around the world have been
experimenting with new forms of mini-publics containing from only 12 up to 200
randomly selected citizens for facilitated deliberations lasting from several
days to several weeks spread over several months. Their very existence creates a new deeper
form of citizenship than we’re used to, and a new, more inclusive public voice
in the political discourse.
“With time and support, the ordinary folks chosen for
min-publics perform a near-ideal act of citizenship. They learn about an issue
in depth from all sides. They discuss it
with folks who think differently than they do. And in those conversations with
their fellow citizens and with experts and stakeholders, they come to informed,
thoughtful conclusions about what should be done.”
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