“When the body ceases to attract you, and when you place no
value on it as a means of getting anything, then there will no interference in
communication. As you let yourSelf teach you how to use the body only for
purposes of communication, and renounce its use for separation and attack which
the ego sees in it, you will learn you have no need of a body at all.” Devorah
sighed. “I’ve had glimpses of this, moments of it. You have too, haven’t you?”
Yael nodded.
“We can have this more often. It’s in our power to do so.
It’s what God wants for us, the Canaanites, even for the wretched, prejudiced,
fear mongering T Party Republicans. And it’s possible to accomplish this all at
once because there’s but one shift in perception necessary. That’s because we’ve
made but one mistake. It seems like many, but it’s all the same; for though the
ego takes many forms, it’s always the same idea. What is not love is always
fear, and nothing else.
“It’s not necessary to follow fear through all the
circuitous routes by which it burrows underground and hides in darkness, to
emerge in forms quite different from what it is – cancer, dogma, prejudice. Yet
it is necessary to examine each one as long as we retain the principle that
governs them all. But, when we are willing to regard them, not as separate, but
as different manifestations of the same idea, and one we no longer want, they
go together.”
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