Gandhi wrote, “There is a person now slumbering within us, which if awakened would do to evil what light does to darkness.” I read that today and love the synchronicity of the way it fits with what I wrote yesterday. I would only change the word, “person” to “power”, meaning spirit.
Now given what I’ve been writing, you know that I don’t want to give undue energy to the seeming evil in the world, for the more energy I pour into my belief in evil, the stronger the evil becomes and the weaker spirit seems. In my reality as spirit, I know that there is only spirit/God and nothing else, and therefore, if I’m concerned with ‘evil’, I’ve forgotten my identity as spirit and identified with the ego.
So, the seeming reality and sway of evil is, in the learning laboratory of Life, a red flag meant to remind me of the need to awaken from the ego’s dream and choose spirit as my teacher.
The ‘red flag’ I see now, as I write this, is the candidacy of Rick Perry, seen through the prism of what I wrote yesterday, plus the idea that if good ‘men’ do nothing, evil will triumph and England’s appeasement [as well as that of the other democracies] of Nazi Germany before the 1939 invasion of Poland. This comparison was stimulated by a movie I’m watching [movies have a big influence on me] about England’s appeasement of Nazi Germany called, “Glorious 39.”
Here’s what I see: the Republicans will nominate an extremist. With his actual experience in governing, his masculinity and good looks, Rick will easily defeat Michelle. Americans will then have a clear-cut, literally black and white choice between a temporizing socialist compromiser and a no-nonsense anti-government extremist. Which do you think will win?
The parallels with Americans now, before Rick becomes President, and England and the democracies appeasement of Hitler and Nazi Germany are striking. Rick has the backing of the big corporations. The big corporations both here, in England and Germany backed Hitler. For example, IBM was doing business with Hitler even during the war, supplying the machines and systems that supported the so-called German efficiency in military action and death camps.
We now have gridlock, political polarization and wide-spread disgust with the political system; so did Germany in the 30’s. As Nazis and Communists battled in the streets [which, thank God, we haven’t gotten to yet, Dems and Rs just battle on TV, the internet and blogosphere], the vast majority of Germans were paralyzed in the middle, as are the vast majority of Americans now, and, as I wrote yesterday were during the McCarthy and Jim Crow days.
Germany was in a deep financial crisis with high unemployment and no growth, except for military spending, as we are today. Granted it’s not as bad here and now as it was then in Germany, but it’s the worst most baby boomers have seen and if you’re unemployed as 9 million are, and gov’t programs that support you are being eliminated, then the unemployment rate is 100%
Many people in the democracies thought that racism and fascism – Hitler and Mussolini, were harsh, but in the long run, just what was needed. They did not think it was evil at all. Many people feel that way about Rick. Yes, he’s a little extreme and he says things that are harsh, but after all, he has to say those things to get elected, he won’t actually do them. He does? Why? That’s what they said about Hitler, too, and it was all there in Mein Kampf.
It’s scary isn’t it? A little far fetched, perhaps. But history repeats itself…. And if we always do what we always did, we’ll always get what we always got. Is what’s going on economically and politically in the USA business as usual or something to be concerned about? And if we choose to be concerned, what are we to do?
Gandhi wrote, “There is a person now slumbering within us, which if awakened would do to evil what light does to darkness.” I read that today and love the synchronicity of the way it fits with what I wrote yesterday. I would only change the word, “person” to “power”, meaning spirit.
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