“The universe remains unheeding of the laws by which you [in your separated ego state] thought to govern it. And heaven is not bowed to hell, nor life to death.” Spirit our source, knows nothing of our insane belief that we have separated from it. This is a good thing because if It did, it would mean the ego was real and the impossible had happened. Indeed, building on this, the most comforting thought of all is that spirit does not even know about me as an individual, either. All is one to spirit. Of course to the ego this is infuriating and insulting. I am, the ego says. How can you doubt Me? Look about you, see how complex reality is. But to spirit, all this is illusion, a dream of a separation that could never happen, and has never happened. Complexity is of the ego, spirit’s truth is simple – what is everything leaves room for nothing else.
“You[r decision maker] can but choose to think you die, or suffer sickness or distort the truth in any way.” Under the influence of the ego’s dichotomy our decision makers can believe in our separated individual identities, but that does not make that identity real in fact. The decision maker is free to deny our inheritance and reality as spirit, but not to establish what our inheritance is. Tho we can identify with the ego and make it our treasure, that does not make it true. I can violate spirit’s laws in my imagination, but never escape from them. They protect me and ensure my safety and sanity no matter what I dream.
In my separated delusion, i can think myself very evil, fearful, hateful and terrible, and do many evil, fearful, hateful and terrible things, but my Self is always glorious and inviolate. Plus, what I do under the ego’s influence is only ‘real’ in the dream, not in fact. In fact, I am home with God dreaming I am awake on earth.
“What is unalterable cannot change. And what is wholly sinless cannot sin. Such is the simple truth. It does not make appeal to [complexity] might nor triumph. It does not command obedience, nor seek to prove how pitiful and futile your attempts to plan defenses…. Truth merely wants to give you happiness, for such its purpose is. Perhaps it sighs a little when you throw away its gifts, and yet it knows, with perfect certainty, that what God wills for you must be received.”
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