Thursday, October 11, 2012

More Fixing Democracy, Part 4

This is the last in a new series of posts on how to make our democracy work better based on an article in The Intelligent Optimist magazine (formerly Ode) by Mary Parker Follett, a management consultant and author, taken from her book, The New State, originally published in 1918 and still very relevant today.


“Heterogeneity, not homogeneity, I repeat, makes unity.  Indeed as we go from groups of the lower types to groups of the higher types, we go from those with many resemblances to those with more and more striking differences.


“Give your difference, welcome my difference, unify all difference in the larger whole—such is the law of growth.  The unifying of difference is the eternal process of life—the creative synthesis, the highest act of creation. The implications of this conception when we come to define democracy are profound.


“I may seem to overemphasize difference as difference. Difference as difference is non existent.  There is only difference which carries within itself the power of unifying. It is this latent power which we must forever and ever call forth. Difference in itself is not a vital force, but what accompanies it is – the unifying spirit.


“Really the object of every associating with others, of every conversation with friends, in fact, should be to try to bring out a bigger thought than any one alone could contribute.”

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