Thinking about thinking; reflecting on our beliefs;
challenging ourselves about our certainty and what we take to be true; opening
our minds to other, new, and even ‘wrong’ ways of perceiving, knowing and
being—is there any reason to do this, anything to be gained from it? Is it
‘good’ or ‘bad’ to expand our consciousness, be more inclusive more tolerant,
more willing to learn and experience differences? Or is better to close our
minds, cling to the ‘rugged cross,’ wall ourselves in and fear what’s new and
different and ‘other’ and change itself?
Thinking about thinking is uncomfortable and disruptive. It
threatens our ‘secure’ ego identities. Things are hard enough without having to
bother or worry about how and what I’m thinking! I’ve got work to do, people to
see and places to go. I just can’t take the time to be bothered right now. Maybe later.
But what if we as a race, the human race, understood that the door opens inward? What if we came
to realize that to improve human and planetary welfare we need to modify some
of our own attitudes and ways of thinking? What if the door really does open inward and we really do have to think about thinking and modify
some of our own attitudes and ways of thinking; to take individual
responsibility for what and how we’re thinking? What if we can begin to make
things better by realizing we have to stop pushing on the door—blaming,
proselytizing, punishing and legislating, looking at everyone and everything
but our own hearts and minds because the
door opens inward?
Ask: “Am I contributing to wholeness and a world that works
for everyone and everything, or am I selfishly arrogantly insisting on ‘my way
or the highway,’ that what’s right for me and people like me is right for
everyone and everything? Am I blaming, punishing and finger pointing? Am I
willing to listen, learn, discuss and compromise? Am I willing to entertain the
idea that the one God in me is the same one God in you and in everything?”
If that’s true, if the one God in me is the same one God in
you and in everything, then you and your ideas, needs and wants even if they’re
different, ‘wrong’ and against the Bible, are as righteous as my own and as
worthy of respect. Am I willing for the sake of our common humanity and contributing
a world that works for everyone and everything, willing to think about my thinking
and realize that the door opens inward to God?
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