I’ve noticed that when I give an idea away I don’t lessen
it. Have you noticed that? Unlike a physical object which when I give it away
is gone, when I give an idea away I actually strengthen it. All of the idea is
still mine, although all of it has been given away. In fact if the person I
give the idea to accepts it as theirs, it reinforces the idea in me and thus
increases it. Have you noticed this? Does it happen to you, too?
This is the basis of spiritual technology. If everything
that we humans do begins as an idea, begins in the invisible, intangible
non-physical world—the spiritual world, then working in that world first,
working with ideas first is the most effective and efficient way to accomplish
anything. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Going to the source, the cause, and working
there has got to be better, more effective and efficient than working with the
This way of being and doing is a no-brainer in everyday
life. If the movie is out of focus, I don’t go up to the screen to fix it. I
get an usher and ask her to call the projection booth. We can do the same with
the bigger things in life: climate change, budget deficits, gun safety. What
are the ideas that make these things concerns? Let’s identify the kind of
beliefs, thinking and ideas that hold these things in place and keep us from
cooperating and change the ideas first, then pass legislation if any is needed.
Let’s work from the inside-out.
Spiritual technology such as mindfulness, meditation and
affirmative prayer—the kind of technology that allowed Jesus to perform
miracles, allows me to do this. When I take responsibility for my own thinking,
beliefs and ideas and determine how well they’re working for me and others—are
they creating fear, hate and blame, or love, compassion and inclusion – I can
decide which ideas I want to represent and see manifest in the world. Working
from cause to effect, from idea to result, from the invisible to the visible,
from spirit to matter is what spiritual technology is all about.
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