Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Eye of the Needle

To start the day off right, first thing in the morning, after the dog goes out, I sit with a cup of herbal tea and read the Daily Guides in Science of Mind Magazine. From time to time, I’ll paraphrase the ones that hit me hard. This one is by Kenn Gordon.

When asked by a ‘rich man’ if he could join the disciples, Jesus supposedly said, “It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Was Jesus prejudiced against rich people? Was he against wealth and possessions? Not really, only if they – wealth and possessions, owned us, instead of us owning them; only if we identified too strongly with them, confused them for our identity, for who we are. And who are we really, spiritual beings having an earthly experience or earthly beings having spiritual experiences?

At a practical level, I think Jesus the rabbi meant that it is easier to do the impossible than to move forward into a new idea while maintaining a belief in an old one. Surrendering the old belief is essential in order to move into a new reality.

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