Friday, June 4, 2010

Real world

From the “Attainment of the Real World” in the Course.

“No one is this distracted world but has seen some glimpses of the other world about him. Yet while he still lays value on his own, he will deny the vision of the other, maintaining that he loves what he loves not, and following not the road that love points out. Love leads so gladly! You wait but for yourself. To give this sad world over and exchange your errors for the peace of God is but your will.

“It is God’s Will that nothing touch His Son [all of humanity] except Himself, and nothing else comes nigh unto him. He is as safe from pain as God Himself, Who watches over him [us, all of humanity] in everything. The world about him shines with love because God placed him in Himself where pain is not, and love surrounds him without end or flaw. Disturbance of his peace can never be. In perfect sanity he looks on love, for it is all about him and within him. He must deny the world of pain the instant he perceives the arms of love around him. And from this point of safety he looks quietly about him and recognizes that the world is one with him.” We’ve all experienced instants like this; this is the ‘holy instant,’ and the miracle in the title of the Course.

“The peace of God passeth your understanding only in the past. Yet here it is, and you can understand it now. God loves His Son forever, and His Son [us – all of humanity] returns his Father’s Love forever. The real world is the way that leads you to remembrance of the one thing that is wholly true and wholly yours. For all else you have let yourself in time, and it fade. But this one thing is always yours, being the gift of God unto His Son. Your one reality was given you, and by it God created you as one with Him.

“You will first dream of peace, and then awaken to it. Your first exchange of what you made for what you want is the exchange of nightmares for the happy dreams of love.”
How deeply comforting.

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