Monday, November 12, 2012

Rick Scott and the Affordable Care Act

Governor Rick Scott is once again talking about turning down a Federal program, this time the Affordable Care Act.  This is unacceptable. Too many lives, too many people’s health are at stake.  There must be something we can do to help the Governor change his mind! I know the hospitals want Florida to participate in the Act.  Are there other potential allies out there that can help us help the Governor change his mind? Obama’s organization is still intact, let’s reach out to them. The League of Women Voters too, and the AFL/CIO.


Despite the Governor’s beliefs, this is a humanitarian community concern. The ideology of fiscal austerity and fiscal whatever, cannot be allowed to Trump (ha, ha, ha!) the concrete needs of flesh and blood human beings! Besides, this is Florida—all kinds of people from all kinds of places, places with inadequate sanitary facilities, can come here with latent communicable diseases. If they get sick and go uncared for, it’s only a matter of time before we all get sick.  Good health care is not only for the so-called ‘deserving’, or ‘legal’, or those who ‘earned’ it; it’s required for the good and welfare of the entire community.


Governor Rick Scott is once again talking about turning down a Federal program, this time the Affordable Care Act.  This is unacceptable. Too many lives are at stake.  There must be something we can do to help the Governor change his mind! Let’s get on it!


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