Friday, June 24, 2011

The Energy Continuum, 11

“I loose the world from all I thought it was,” can also be said from the mental ‘realm’; meaning, “I get it, I’m stuck, I’ve gone as far as I can go on my own, I realize there has to be an alternative, some other, better, way of thinking about this.” Done this way, loosing the world is an invitation to spirit, a letting go of ego and an expression of a willingness to shift to spirit. Like Cagney, dying in “Public Enemy,” saying, “I ain’t so tough…” us saying I loose the world is admitting that ego is inadequate and not enough for a full and healthy life.

“I loose the world from all I thought it was,” can also be said from the emotional ‘realm’; meaning, “this hurts too, much; I’m too, sad; I feel awful, frustrated, angry, annoyed, mean, distrustful, out of sync, there has to be an alternative, some other, better, way to feel about this.” And it can also be said from the physical ‘realm’ meaning much the same thing.

Saying, “I loose the world from all I thought it was,” from wherever we are on the continuum, means we’re ready for change, want to experience ourselves and the world differently, can’t achieve what we want or make a contribution to a world that works for everyone solo as a lone human being without a spiritual connection. It’s a realization that we’re spiritual first, that spirituality is an essential part of us and all that is and that we need the connection to all that is, that sense of peace, compassion and belonging to function effectively.

Each of the ‘realms’ is vast, much bigger than the diagram suggests and like a black hole can absorb all our energy. We can lose ourselves completely, become stuck, and fully engaged in any one of them, and become out of balance. Also, each realm has ‘positives’ and ‘negatives’ within it. The idea is to realize that we are not any single realm, but rather the whole continuum; to understand that tho each realm has positives and negatives, pushing us away or pulling us in, each realm, and indeed the entire continuum, is neutral, neither positive nor negative.

We want to identify with the energy Itself, the pure spiritual energy, and from this identity allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition, inspiration and insights, our connection with the spiritual energy to flow along the continuum and experience Its fullness, and make a contribution to a world that works for everyone and everything.

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